Clarity of Heart
A piece I wrote for my late grandmother.
From this great woman sprang forth
What might only be described as a Kingdom
Of warriors, and healers,
and scholars, and artists, and teachers,
And fathers, and mothers,
and grandfathers, and grandmothers,
Whose influence has been felt around the world and back.
All of whom grieve at the passing of their beloved matriarch.
A woman of defiant dignity & relentless compassion,
With a tongue like fire: Lashes of hard truths and tough love –
Lessons she likely learned during harder times,
And by harder means.
Yet, she remained
Open armed, open handed, and open hearted.
Family, friend, or stranger –
She took them in.
Giving what all she could,
For as long as she could:
Kindness without condition,
Which is the truest love, and her most potent legacy.